Bishop Callahan's Advent Greeting
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! - Advent Greeting 2022
Advent is my favorite liturgical season and there are so many facets for us to ponder. It’s a season when we are filled with expectation, anticipation and wonder. The Advent candle helps us mark each week, as if it were an ancient timepiece used to track of our steps in Faith. The readings at Mass remind us of how God came into this world—to be with His people—and we remember what a great gift this is to us. The Jesse tree is a visualization of salvation history—each day adding another image to help us follow the historical events leading up to the birth of Christ.
Advent Series
Prepare for the coming of the Savior
At Christmas we read from Scripture that Jesus is Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Jesus came on the first Christmas to save us. Again and again, Jesus comes to us in the Eucharist. Our faith comes alive as we understand better that Jesus gives us His Real Presence in the Eucharist.
Join Msgr. Joseph Hirsch, Director: Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II Orphanage, Lurin, Peru as he presents Jesus’ True Presence in the Eucharist
Preparing to Receive the Gift of Jesus on Christmas
Jesus gives us the Gift of Himself on Christmas. Jesus continues to give us the greatest Gift – the Gift of Himself in the Eucharist again and again in a life-giving encounter.
This is really the whole meaning of Christmas. Jesus came to give us Himself as food – He literally is the Bread of Life – supernatural bread that saves us, that spiritually nourishes and strengthens us with His grace.
Join Fr. Justin Kizewski, Faculty: St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee as he presents Receiving and Adoring Jesus – Communion and Thanksgiving
Prepare to Receive the Christ Child on Christmas
During this season of Advent, we need to take time to focus on spiritual realities, contemplating the miraculous birth of Jesus, coming to us as an infant. Through Jesus, grace, truth and life entered into the world. At Mass, Jesus continues to come to us in the Eucharist. In union with Jesus, we can offer all that we are and everything that we have been given in thanksgiving to the Father.
Join Msgr. Richard Gilles, Rector: Cathedral of St. Joseph the Workman, La Crosse as he presents Offering Ourselves with Jesus to the Father
Prepare Your Heart for Christmas
In the fullness of time, our Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus, to save us from our sins. Jesus gave us the Eucharist, as a memorial of His Passion and Death. When we receive the Eucharist, we literally receive Jesus Himself. The Eucharist is our solid foundation and highest point of union with God on earth.
Join Fr. Steven Weller, Chaplain: Assumption Middle and High School, Wisconsin Rapids as he presents The Eucharist as the ‘Source and Summit’ of the Church’s Life