A ministry of St. Stephen's & St. Joseph's Parishes
Chastity Resources
Covenant Eyes: Uquipped
A Parent Workshop Kit “for an Ongoing Conversation about Internet Pornography” produced by filtering and accountability site Covenant Eyes. Available online for free: “Protecting Your Family Online: A parent’s how-to guide.”
Victory is a discrete smartphone app that has prayer resources and other encouragements for those who struggle with pornography. It embraces the truths of the Catholic Church and encourages its users to make use of the Sacraments of strength and healing. This free resource is published by Covenant Eyes and is available in both Apple and Android app stores. This is appropriate for anyone who wishes to have a little help while pursuing the goal of chaste love.
Why are we doing this? Because our culture is broken. All around us, teens and young adults are starving for real love but gorging themselves on the counterfeit: lust. Society promises them that they’ll find fulfillment in pleasure divorced from sacrifice, but God’s plan for human love is the only thing that truly satisfies.
Even if we’ve made mistakes in the past, our hearts still desire a love that is pure. Why? Because purity alone makes intimacy possible. Our hearts are made for love, and our minds are made for the truth . . . and chastity offers us both. We are made for authentic love – love that involves a total, lifelong giving of self. It’s this kind of love alone that satisfies the depths of the human heart!
Enough is Enough
Educational site for parents about how to effectively protect children from online pornography, sexual predators, cyberbullies, and other online dangers.
Faith and Safety: Technology Safety Through the Eyes of Faith
Educational site for parents run by the USCCB and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Provides conversation starters for families about technology, family media agreements, reviews of different apps and websites popular among young people, and more.
Integrity Restored
Founded by Dr. Peter Kleponis, author of the book The Pornography Epidemic: A Catholic Approach, Integrity Restored has a section of their website dedicated to helping parents protect their children from pornography and help them navigate a culture imbued with pornography.
Pure Hope
Provides Christian solutions in a sexualized culture. Equips individuals, parents, families and churches to pursue sexual purity and oppose sexual exploitation. Key areas of focus include parenting, justice (combatting sex trafficking), and recovery for men and women addicted to pornography. Free downloadable resources include “Parenting in a Sexualized Culture” and “Recovery in a Sexualized Culture.”
Protect Young Eyes
Protect Young Eyes is a constantly updated, free website for parents who want to better understand apps, social media platforms, parental controls on popular devices, and how to create an internet-safer home for their kids. Subscribe to their parent technology newsletter by texting the word “protect” (no quotes) to 66866.
Protect Young Minds
Led by Kristen A. Jenson, author of the best-selling children’s book Good Pictures Bad Pictures, Protect Young Minds™ (PYM) seeks to help parents “porn-proof” their kids before they come across highly addictive and easily accessible internet pornography. Additionally, PYM offers guidance for families whose children have already been hurt by pornography and hopes to serve as a “force multiplier” by empowering proactive people who want to educate their local communities
This website is published by the USCCB and offers prayers and encouragement for married couples. Tackling many issues that bring heartache into wedded bliss, one topic is pornography. Don't be afraid to go to this website as it is after all for your marriage.