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A ministry of St. Stephen's & St. Joseph's Parishes

Through your generosity, we hope to renovate the Wyatt Street staircase and upgrade our HVAC unit.  Though we attempted to repair the steps just a few years ago, the sands of time have not been kind.  After consulting with masons, our best long-term solution is to replace them.  Our new steps will also be constructed in such a way as to make them safer by eliminating the sudden step outside the door and having railings that are up to code while preserving the historic character of our church.  Our HVAC unit heats and cools the family center and is original to the 1994 construction.  These units typically have a 25-year life expectancy, and ours lives on borrowed time.  With your help, we will be prepared for the future.

Our Goal: $440,000

Pledged to Date: $404,322.80


Thank you to those who have given generously.


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