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Why talk about Death and Dying?

About Eternal Rest

The art of dying well is also the art of living well. By understanding who we are and what we are made for, we can order our lives and values according to God’s design for our true fulfillment. Knowing we will die someday allows us to live as prudent stewards of the time we’re given, and it grants us the ability to joyfully anticipate eternal life.

What do Catholics believe about death?

Each of Eternal Rest’s four 30-minute episodes addresses large-scale questions about death from a Catholic perspective. The series takes viewers on a journey from death’s origin to Christ’s final victory at the Cross and Resurrection. 

Join us on four Thursdays during Lent at 6 p.m. at St. Joseph in the Family Center. Through the intercession of St. Joseph may we prepare ourselves for what we hope to be a happy death. Mark your calendars and join us! All are welcome!

The Story of Death - February 16

Where did death come from? What does death mean for the human person? Is it simply just part of life, or is it something else? In this first session, we discuss the story of death and God’s response to it: defeating death by dying and rising from the dead.

The Afterlife - February 22

What happens after the moment of our death? Once the soul has been separated from the body, then what? What is heaven, hell, and purgatory? What is the difference between the particular judgment and the general judgment? This session looks at the truth about what awaits the human person on the other side of death.

The Hour of Our Death - March 7

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is one of the seven sacraments of the Church. But whom exactly is this sacrament for? What are its effects? In this session, we discover the role of this sacramental anointing in the spiritual struggle during serious illness, in the final stages of our temporal life, and at the hour of our death.


The Faithful Departed - March 14

What is left for the living to do after someone dies? In this session, we talk about the final ways in which those still living on earth care for the body and soul of the dead. We discuss the work that remains for the living to do as we grieve for the deceased and as we turn to the work of preparing for our own death, and the hope in which we live and die as Christians.

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St. Stephen Parish

1401 Clark Street

Stevens Point WI 54481


St. Joseph Parish

1709 Wyatt Avenue

Stevens Point WI 54481

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